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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Yellow cat going to Montana

This picture might raise some interesting questions, we know! O.E. instructors at michindoh, however, will understand completely! (Levi or Glendon or whoever tied this thing...very very sneaky!) We came back to our campsite while still at the Tetons this day, and Joe had to get under the car for some reason. When he did, he noticed a small string of boondoggle (a camp craft) hanging down from underneath the car. To his surprise, the yellow cat was attatched as he yanked the string down from the car. In fact, the cat was zip-tied to the car...crazy!! He had ridden there all the way from Michigan...and was so dirty and just gross! But what a hilarious find that was for us...and a good laugh for our friends back at camp. Wow...totally not expecting that one! When Joe first found the cat, I was off doing something at the campsite, and all I heard was, "There's a cat under the car! A cat under the car!" Of course, I immediatly thought this was some real cat that we had accidentally ran over and now Joe was finding the remains! Ewwww! But it wasn't. I sure made a lot of noise in exclamation over it though. The people at the surrounding campsites were laughing with us! Ok, maybe laughing at us....but it was still great! Thanks guys!

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