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Monday, June 11, 2007

We made it!!

Montana, we made it! Wow, after a long journey here, we have finally arrived at Clydehurst Christian Ranch. And boy are we out here! Remote would be a great word to describe our location...but it is beautiful out here! Joe and I are doing very well and have successfully finished out first day in the kitchen and as crew boy counselor. We are so excited to watch the Lord move in amazing ways this summer. All of our contact information is correct, however, we have a new phone number that should be used for non-emergency contact. It is: (406) 932-9226 This is the payphone on camp, so it may take some time to actually reach us, sorry! But we would love to hear from you, or even read comments here on the web page. Joe and I hope to soon post pictures of our Trip to Yellowstone and the Tetons...we had an amazing time!!! This is a great adventure God has us on together...We miss all of our family and friends, but can't wait to catch everyone up on all of our "news" out here. Look for a new post soon, and we may have some new pictures!! Take care and hope to hear from anyone soon.
Katie :)

1 comment:

Jen said...

YAY! You made it! I'm glad you left a phone number, although, it might be easier to contact you through this, right? Hopefully sometime soon, Kyle and I can possible come out to see you guys or we could meet at Yellowstone or something. Just in case you don't have my cell because of not having yours, its 404-788-7463. Talk to ya later! Love you!