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Thursday, March 17, 2011


Here is Andrew at 10 weeks! This is one of my favorite little outfits to put on him...I am sure he loves it too! Isn't it funny, I just can't get enough pictures of this kid. You know, they say by the time you have 3 or 4 kids, your youngest have so few pictures :P We will try not to let that happen, but I haven't experienced life yet with 3 little ones running around. Every day Andrew is getting more and more expressive and cooing at all the different faces joe and I make. He is almost beginning to reach out for toys or objects in front of him, as well! The other day I sang "The Itsy bitsy spider" to him, and he had the biggest smile ever! He was almost singing along with me:)
Family photo time! Last sunday I had us all stay in our nice clothes and take a quite photo together. Andrew has little tennis shoes on, which you can' t see in this shot, but take my word for it....they are too darn cute!!! And his t-shirt reads, "My dad rocks!". Now, to make sure we get minimal spit up on this thing...
Mama and Andrew...two peas in a pod. My little boy is just so amazing. I am trying to savor these days that he is small enough to fit in my arms, and content to just stare at me. *sigh* Yet i am all too excited for each stage to come. Gosh, doesn't he look like his daddy in this picture? So Handsome!

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