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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hose Head and more..

The Splash Ball...
Lindsay, Katie, Joe (getting wet!), Shelby, Bethany, Anna (behind)
Megan versus Anna
Tatum looking a bit odd...

Another night of fun! We put on a game night for our crew kids and played splash ball as well as hose head. I am pretty sure I learned about hose head from my camp adventure days :) and splash ball was new this year here at Clydehurst. Hose head is just a hilarious game, as your face gets smashed and distorted from the panty hose on your head. And then if you struggle with coordination at all, it is magnified when the two players try and swing the ball around in the air and twist it up with each other. Wow. I don't think I have laughed that hard in a long time...we had so much fun together! It is always refreshing to hang out with the kids outside of work time. We played a huge game of mafia later on in the evening, which brought back many memories of Huntington, as we played that game all the time my freshman year! Good times, for sure.

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