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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Little shoes for little feet...

During the end of October and beginning of November, both of our families threw wonderful baby showers for us. Here is a pic of mom, lib, and I at Mom's house for the shower. It was so much fun!
The CUTE center piece mom put together, on the counter where all the delicious food was! I read through each of the books (loved the owl baby book :) and can't wait to share them with baby of my most dear memories of childhood is sitting down on the couch and listening to mom read us stories. I hope we can do the same for this new little one (and ones to come!)
Here is Kate, Pam, Anna and I at the Hughes shower together. Again, a wonderful time spent with friends and family!
The diaper cake!!! Doesn't Joe just look thrilled? :) I made him pose for me, haha. Anna created this for my shower, and had cute winnie the pooh aninmals on it. What a useful decoration, huh???
Well, here is the belly at 31 weeks. I have been feeling really good so far. Not too much swelling, small aches in the feet at times, and a whole lot of kickin' by baby H!!! We are going back and forth as to wether this is a girl or a exciting that we won't find out until the birthday!

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