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Monday, October 18, 2010


Joe, our friend Jackie, and brother in law Dave all ran together in the Columbus 1/2 Marathon this past weekend. They all did so well! There was about 15,000 people there, a record attendance! And just as the sun was rising, the race began and they were off!
I headed over to mile 8 and waited until they ran by. Here they are, doing great!
Joe finished the race in 2 hours 1 minute and 40 seconds! Just over his goal time. Way to go!!! He had a great time, and agreed that he would do it again! So our goal is to train together after the baby is born, and we hope to run one sometime next year! My man, the runner!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Joe!!! you'll be in great shape for stroller pushin' Can't wait to see you- Katie looks beautiful and you look, well....
Sweaty but cute:)