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Thursday, August 23, 2007
Back in Michigan
Well, Joe and I have found ourselves back in Michigan by this time...and boy it has been a while since we have blogged anything. Sorry! We are working on retrieving many of our pictures... much to our dismay, our external hardrive has been scratched, and is no longer accessable. We are hoping it send it away to a retrieval service to get back our some 3,000 pics from the summer :( Bummer, we know. But we did save pics elsewhere, so i will have to get those on here. The evacutaion from Clydehurst was such a crazy time...forest fires can be so hazardous and quick. They rushed us out of our beloved valley on August12th....we only went back once to camp to clean up and get the rest of our personal belongings. Smoke hung in the air...the Hicks park fire was only about 10 miles away! Sleeping at the fair grounds, at Emily's house....taking shelter in the Civic Center of Big was all very surreal. Joe even got to live out an adventure, as he was asked to go back into camp the night we were evacuated to retrieve our horses from camp, so they would not be harmed in the fire, should it get that close to camp. Boy was he a happy camper! Rescue!!! So we belive all is well with camp...we haven't hear otherwise. A great trip back to Michigan helped relieve anxieties about leaving early. We stayed with good friends Michael and Liz in Kansas City, and then with Derek and Sam in Iowa city. So much fun at each house!!! We are so blessed to have good friends, for sure. Well, it is late, and I must get some sleep tonight. Tomorrow we are doing High Ropes with our staff here at Michindoh...yesssss!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Well, today is the day my friend Jana Lynn leaves for Georgia. She has been my bestest friend in the kitchen ! But school starts soon for her, and she must go! It is making me realize how short our time is here in this beautiful place. We took pictures in the kitchen to commemorate our last day together. Wearing our homade aprons and picking out the craziest utensils from the kitchen, we posed for a pic. Funny stuff!
Well, this past weekend, we actually made it up the mountain at Blue about amazing. The off-road trip up the mountain was an adventure all in itself! We piled into the matress-clad back of 4 camp pickups and drove about 2 hours up the mountain. These roads were 'primative', and so not maintained. This equals many boulders, mudholes, name it! And so we would rev up the engine, and fly through! I guess it is tradition to stand up behind the cab, hold on to whatever you can, and scream your way through the mud holes and everything else...needless to say we were covered in dust and mud! But it was a blast. Except for the part when Old Blue broke down on us b/c too much water in something-or-other parts of the truck. So we got out, split our selves up between the other pickups, and took off! We ate lunch at Solomon city, and abandoned mine city waaay up in the mountains. Broken down buildings and shacks scatter the landscape..very interesting. 8 more miles and we were at Blue Lake...just beautiful. We didn't want to waste any time, so we hopped out onto the rocky ground, cinched up our packs, and headed up the steep mountainside. Mounument loomed before us...i actually couldn't believe the feat we were about to tackle. Within the first few moments, my lungs started to hurt...oh no..not a good sign! Well, we were at about 10, 000 ft above sea level...of course the burn is going to happen!! Slow and steady, we crept up that mountain face. There were some meadows along the way, which were actually full of flowers and grass. The high elevation parts of these mountains are actually in their late spring/early summer season. After about 1 hour, we finally reached the top of the mountain. 10, 995 ft. But Greg says with our heads we hit about 11,000 :) Being up on the top feels like no other thing in the world....all i could do was just sit in awe. And praise the Lord for making that creation! We could see for miles and miles...just more mountains! We even caught sight of the tallest point in Montana, about 15,000 ft. There was a book to sign, saying that you had been to the top. I guess Joe can now check off one thing on his "life's to -do list": climb a mountain. We will try to post pics soon...although they don't do justice!
Well, this past weekend, we actually made it up the mountain at Blue about amazing. The off-road trip up the mountain was an adventure all in itself! We piled into the matress-clad back of 4 camp pickups and drove about 2 hours up the mountain. These roads were 'primative', and so not maintained. This equals many boulders, mudholes, name it! And so we would rev up the engine, and fly through! I guess it is tradition to stand up behind the cab, hold on to whatever you can, and scream your way through the mud holes and everything else...needless to say we were covered in dust and mud! But it was a blast. Except for the part when Old Blue broke down on us b/c too much water in something-or-other parts of the truck. So we got out, split our selves up between the other pickups, and took off! We ate lunch at Solomon city, and abandoned mine city waaay up in the mountains. Broken down buildings and shacks scatter the landscape..very interesting. 8 more miles and we were at Blue Lake...just beautiful. We didn't want to waste any time, so we hopped out onto the rocky ground, cinched up our packs, and headed up the steep mountainside. Mounument loomed before us...i actually couldn't believe the feat we were about to tackle. Within the first few moments, my lungs started to hurt...oh no..not a good sign! Well, we were at about 10, 000 ft above sea level...of course the burn is going to happen!! Slow and steady, we crept up that mountain face. There were some meadows along the way, which were actually full of flowers and grass. The high elevation parts of these mountains are actually in their late spring/early summer season. After about 1 hour, we finally reached the top of the mountain. 10, 995 ft. But Greg says with our heads we hit about 11,000 :) Being up on the top feels like no other thing in the world....all i could do was just sit in awe. And praise the Lord for making that creation! We could see for miles and miles...just more mountains! We even caught sight of the tallest point in Montana, about 15,000 ft. There was a book to sign, saying that you had been to the top. I guess Joe can now check off one thing on his "life's to -do list": climb a mountain. We will try to post pics soon...although they don't do justice!
Friday, August 3, 2007
The Family
So we hiked up to Trinity falls while everyone was here...and took this great picture. Ben was quite the acrobat, as he had to balance the camera on a rock, hit the timer, run across a few boulders, and then jump into the picture. We had a wonderful time...especially dad!! Lets just say he was brave enough to jump into that freezing water! Mom did very well, as we had to cross the river twice, over 2 logs and everything...she was a trooper!!
Sun Set
It's Friday!!
Well, it is hard to believe, but we are ending our 3rd week of family camp, and only have 2 weeks left here in the wild wild west. Sigh....but exciting news is that this weekend we have an amazing adventure planned. We are taking a staff trip to the famed "Blue Lake"!! Basically we all pile into camp pickups and drive about 2 hours south until we get to the end of the dirt road...the end of the valley, i guess! And then we go up...and up...and up! Supposedly, we will be venturing up roads that seem impossible for a vehicle...but little by little our trucks inch up the mountain. Then, we get to the 'above the tree line' lake (Blue Lake) and we have the opportunity to climb Monument Mountain, or even do the "loop". This would include scaling Monument, as well as Haystack, another neighboring mountain. Whew! We are pumped to go...we will have to write and tell all about it. Yesterday I signed myself up for the all famed 'facebook'. yahoo! But i can't seem to change my name to katie keeps coming up as katie brown. oh well...i will figure it out. We are trying to sort through all of our pictures and put up some new ones on this blog...we have so many!! Joe thinks we have probably taken 2000 pics so far this summer. Geesh. Libby...thanks so much for the pics and cd you sent me! I loved getting them...and your wedding dress is soooo pretty!! You are going to look beautiful and i am going to cry!! Well, maybe I will try and put up some pics. hasta la vista, mis amigos!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Just another Manic Monday...
What an amazing family just left this morning from here at Clydehurst. In fact, they should be in the air on their way to Denver, CO right now. It still is sinking in, I think. They came to visit for a long weekend out here in Montana, and we had sooo much fun!! I tried to do a little bit of everything, so they could experience life at camp. And now I am sad...I miss all of them (if you are reading this mom, dad, libby or ben...hi! and I love and miss you!) We went for a hike, a few horseback rides, tubed down the name it! In fact, Libby and Ben tubed even farther than Joe or I have ever been on the river...brave little munchkins :)hehe. I think this trip took my dad back to his college days, as that was the last time he had been out west. (right, dad?) It was just wonderful to see each of them, and to go on adventures here at camp. I loved it...absolutely loved it! And we even got to sleep outside for 2 nights! I guess we really had no choice, b/c the cabins were all full Friday and Sunday nights. So mom an dad slept in our cabin, and all the kids slept on matresses on the campfired platform. We couldn't have a campfire, we have risen to a level 2 fire hazard here in the valley. Oh well...we had plenty of other things to do! The first night they arrived, we all enjoyed steak night dinner (yum!) Then it was off to the "Front Porch", which is our camp coffee house, and we each got a coffee (Crazy Horse seemed to be popular, although Lib had a TurtleDove...very good..and Mom had a Rusty Buckey, i think..yum...oh yes, Chi Tea for dad, too!) Then Joseph took us all on an exciting tour ride in the large golf cart here on camp. Yes, yes...adventures abounded everywhere this last weekend. I can't wait for Libby or Dad to sent me some pictures from their cameras (hint hint ;) so we can post some of the pictures. Well, i should probably go and check the snail mail, to see if we recieved anything. We got a letter and card from the Rashleys' the other day (thank you Anna, Dave, Joshua, Caleb, and baby!) and that was wonderful!! I cried when i read it...we miss you guys!! I know those kids are growing up so fast...i wish we could be around more often. But it was just wonderful to recieve the letter and anniversary wishes. Sigh...alrighty...I am heading out. God is good...all the time!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Us @ Trinity
Here she goes!
Joseph @ Falls
Trinity Falls
Little Cabin in the Woods
Watermelon Meg...
Here is our friend Meg. She is hilarious...always making me laugh. We had a watermelon eating/seed spitting contest, and she chose this huge piece of watermelon to dig into. Basically it was everywhere! Meg just graduated from Laurence University with a music major/education. She is going to do her student teaching this! She is from Wisconsin, as well....
Master Griller
The Girls @ the Rodeo
Its over...and they are in one piece!
A little blurry, but they were moving so fast i couldn't get a great picture! Here the guys have a hold of the cow and Joe is proceeding to put the saddle on. However, every time he would get close, the cow would thrash away and the saddle fell to the ground. Unfortunately, they never even got the saddle buckled....and then the cow ran away. Good try, boys!
On your mark...get set...
These are our 3 Clydehurst teams preparing for each of their cow rides. When the music started, they whipped open the gates and grabbed onto the rope tied to the cow. The object then was to successfully saddle the cow and have another team member ride the cow around some barrels and back to the start. Needless to say..this was a larger challenge than it seemed! Joe even got run over by the cow..yikes! And he riped his pants all the way up his leg...yikes! I think i screamed and laughed the whole time, it was great!
The Cow Team
Swimmin' Hole!
Today was sack lunch day, which means all campers and staff make our own lunches and head out somewhere to eat them. Joe and I hopped in Stefan's jeep today and drove with all of the counselors to a swimming hole down the road. There is a huge rock to jump off of, and we did, of course! We sat and at our sandwiches in the was glorious. Yesterday was a great day, simply because i recieved two letters in the mail! Thanks libby for your made me cry! Good tears though...tears of missing you! And thank you Pam for your wonderful letter to Joe and I made us miss you and the family. Being away is an adventure, yet at the same time very hard! Oh well...time is flying by and the end of camp is coming very soon. The family is coming in 3 days though!! I can't wait. We are planning on sleeping out side part of the time they are here...what an experience! Hopefully the weather will cool down a bit (into the 80's). We did get some rain the other day, though...yesterday to be exact. Oh yes....yesterday was also great b/c it was out TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY! We took a trip to Big Timber for a supply run and celebrated with milk shakes. I think this week on thursday (our night off) we are going to go rock climbing and then drive to Boseman to eat out at a nice restaurant and do some shopping. Hard to believe it has been 2 years! Well..i hate to cut this short, but i have to run back to the kitchen to cook some chicken pot pie! Hasta la Vista!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Katie & Em girls!
Here I am with a good friend Emily at the Big Timber rodeo. We went iwith the whole staff a few weekends was a blast. Being my first rodeo and all...i didn't quite know what to expect...but I loved it! And so did Joseph. Bucking broncos, bull riding, cow roping...and even some cow riding, which Joe actually participated in! Fun times in Big Timber, MT. More rodeo pics to come....
Monday, July 16, 2007
Sunny Day
Today is very hot and sunny...not very different from any other day this week! We still have not had any rain here in the mountains. It seems as though everywhere else around us has recieved rain! Oh well..for now we will run the sprinklers all day. Last night we had our first week of family camp begin. It was so much fun to watch the families arrive. In tradition, we hosted a HUGE buffet for all to was amazing! Major work for us ladies in the kitchen, though. We prepared for a few day ahead of time to make sure all of the food was ready, but i think everyone loved it! Even Joe got to help out...we will have to post the pictures soon. Wearing a chef's hat and coat, he helped cut/serve roast beef as the families passed through the line. What a ham! He loved it, i think :) After the buffet dinner, a chapel service was held, and Joe and I were able to participate in that as well! We dressed up in our cowboy hats (by the way...i have a REAL one now, from Montana!) and boots, and sang and played guitar as the families joined together to sing the "hash corus", a tradition done for many years here at camp. The chorus is basically a mixture of hyms and songs all sung with a 'country' twang! Then we all introduced ourselves to the crowd, counselors included. Fun times!
Joe and i have also have had the chance to lead worship on sunday mornings for our staff chapel service, which has been fun! Last week, we had Laurel (the wrangler here) and her significant other (his name is Joe, hehe) help us ...they sang and played guitar with us as well! We did harmony parts and everything as we played all was amazing! God blessed us with good fellowship and fun as we practiced as well.
Well, it is getting to the point of the summer where i am missing friends and family from home. However, i am SUPER excited, because in less than two weeks, my family is coming to visit us!!!! It will be so much fun to see mom and dad and libby and ben....whoo-hoo!! I hope we can go on horseback rides and hikes and maybe even some campfires in there :) I am also sad to know we will be missing the "O.E. Reunion" summer camp back at michindoh. Many of the kids we befriended during the school year at O.E. camp, will be returning for a super fun week of summer camp. I will miss seeing all of them....and not being able to share more of my faith in Jesus Christ with them! But I am confident that all of the staff at camp will be AMAZING and God will love and use them in amazing ways.
I think i am going to go outside now...i have been inside all day, and it is just way too beautiful out there to be inside any more. Maybe i will go check the mail in the only comes in 3 times a week... and today is one of those lucky days! God bless and hasta luego!
Joe and i have also have had the chance to lead worship on sunday mornings for our staff chapel service, which has been fun! Last week, we had Laurel (the wrangler here) and her significant other (his name is Joe, hehe) help us ...they sang and played guitar with us as well! We did harmony parts and everything as we played all was amazing! God blessed us with good fellowship and fun as we practiced as well.
Well, it is getting to the point of the summer where i am missing friends and family from home. However, i am SUPER excited, because in less than two weeks, my family is coming to visit us!!!! It will be so much fun to see mom and dad and libby and ben....whoo-hoo!! I hope we can go on horseback rides and hikes and maybe even some campfires in there :) I am also sad to know we will be missing the "O.E. Reunion" summer camp back at michindoh. Many of the kids we befriended during the school year at O.E. camp, will be returning for a super fun week of summer camp. I will miss seeing all of them....and not being able to share more of my faith in Jesus Christ with them! But I am confident that all of the staff at camp will be AMAZING and God will love and use them in amazing ways.
I think i am going to go outside now...i have been inside all day, and it is just way too beautiful out there to be inside any more. Maybe i will go check the mail in the only comes in 3 times a week... and today is one of those lucky days! God bless and hasta luego!
Monday, July 9, 2007
Brown Trout
Paul At The Boulder Field
Mr. Fisherman
Climbing the Boulders
The Boulder River
Katie and Julie
Best Friends
The Boulder Fields
For a Crew outing we too all the Crew Kids to a place called the boulder fields. It is an amazingly huge field full of boulders the size of a house. We hopped and climbed and scrambled accross the maze of boulders until we reached the river. The whole time making sure we didn't fall down into any cracks between the rocks..yikes!
Friday, July 6, 2007
Climbing Adventure
Joe and I scouted out another climbing opportunity about 20 minutes from camp. One saturday, we hopped into a camp pickup and took along 3 friends (Stefan, Hope, and Emily...they are all counselors here at camp) to check out the rocks. We top ropped from a few trees..the route was fairly easy but fun. We hope to find time on other days to tackle a few harder rocks. It is fun to find other people who will go out on rock climbing adventures with us!
Yum, Yum!
Ice Cream Sneak Out!
During the 3rd and 4th grade week, we designated one evening as our "sneek out" night and held an ice cream party in the dining hall. The campers were told to sneek out of their cabin after they had been put to bed, and leave their counselors there. These kids loved it...and we were all standing on the porch just watching their grinning faces as they rounded their cabin and ran towards the ice cream. PJs and all.....these kids loved it! Exclamations such as "We did it! We snuck out! Our counselor didn't even move a bit! He fell asleep really fast!" made each of us smile as we ushered the kids into the ice cream feast. What a night of fun!
Machines, Machines
Horse Corral
We have about 13 horses here at camp. Our wrangler's name is Laurel..she is great! Joe helps take care of horse feeding as one of his responsibilities. We love going on trail rides up into the mountains or accross the river into the meadow. All the horses are fairly "elderly" trail riders though...they are very used to going everywhere. But we can still get them running at a pretty good pace!
Looking to the North
South View from Clydehurst
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Mt. Hawley
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Contact Us
In case you did not get our contact information here it is:
Office Phone: (406) 932-6335 (Emergencies only)
Fax (406) 932-6330
Pay Phone at Lodge (406) 932-9226 (use for normal calls, if no answer try again later only gets answered when someone is in the lodge to hear it.)
Clydehurst Christian Ranch
3319 Boulder Rd.
McLeod, MT 59052
Email: Joe
Hope this helps...we would love to hear from you all.
P.S. We live in the middle of nowhere so our cell phone has no chance of working!!!!
Office Phone: (406) 932-6335 (Emergencies only)
Fax (406) 932-6330
Pay Phone at Lodge (406) 932-9226 (use for normal calls, if no answer try again later only gets answered when someone is in the lodge to hear it.)
Clydehurst Christian Ranch
3319 Boulder Rd.
McLeod, MT 59052
Email: Joe
Hope this helps...we would love to hear from you all.
P.S. We live in the middle of nowhere so our cell phone has no chance of working!!!!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Camp Visitor
Ok, so we are finally at the end of the trip out and now we can start posting picture of Clydehurst and all that we are doing here. We will try to get up to date as soon as possible so hang in there!!
The Grand Prismatic Spring
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