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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Back in Michigan

Well, Joe and I have found ourselves back in Michigan by this time...and boy it has been a while since we have blogged anything. Sorry! We are working on retrieving many of our pictures... much to our dismay, our external hardrive has been scratched, and is no longer accessable. We are hoping it send it away to a retrieval service to get back our some 3,000 pics from the summer :( Bummer, we know. But we did save pics elsewhere, so i will have to get those on here. The evacutaion from Clydehurst was such a crazy time...forest fires can be so hazardous and quick. They rushed us out of our beloved valley on August12th....we only went back once to camp to clean up and get the rest of our personal belongings. Smoke hung in the air...the Hicks park fire was only about 10 miles away! Sleeping at the fair grounds, at Emily's house....taking shelter in the Civic Center of Big was all very surreal. Joe even got to live out an adventure, as he was asked to go back into camp the night we were evacuated to retrieve our horses from camp, so they would not be harmed in the fire, should it get that close to camp. Boy was he a happy camper! Rescue!!! So we belive all is well with camp...we haven't hear otherwise. A great trip back to Michigan helped relieve anxieties about leaving early. We stayed with good friends Michael and Liz in Kansas City, and then with Derek and Sam in Iowa city. So much fun at each house!!! We are so blessed to have good friends, for sure. Well, it is late, and I must get some sleep tonight. Tomorrow we are doing High Ropes with our staff here at Michindoh...yesssss!

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