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Monday, July 30, 2007

Just another Manic Monday...

What an amazing family just left this morning from here at Clydehurst. In fact, they should be in the air on their way to Denver, CO right now. It still is sinking in, I think. They came to visit for a long weekend out here in Montana, and we had sooo much fun!! I tried to do a little bit of everything, so they could experience life at camp. And now I am sad...I miss all of them (if you are reading this mom, dad, libby or ben...hi! and I love and miss you!) We went for a hike, a few horseback rides, tubed down the name it! In fact, Libby and Ben tubed even farther than Joe or I have ever been on the river...brave little munchkins :)hehe. I think this trip took my dad back to his college days, as that was the last time he had been out west. (right, dad?) It was just wonderful to see each of them, and to go on adventures here at camp. I loved it...absolutely loved it! And we even got to sleep outside for 2 nights! I guess we really had no choice, b/c the cabins were all full Friday and Sunday nights. So mom an dad slept in our cabin, and all the kids slept on matresses on the campfired platform. We couldn't have a campfire, we have risen to a level 2 fire hazard here in the valley. Oh well...we had plenty of other things to do! The first night they arrived, we all enjoyed steak night dinner (yum!) Then it was off to the "Front Porch", which is our camp coffee house, and we each got a coffee (Crazy Horse seemed to be popular, although Lib had a TurtleDove...very good..and Mom had a Rusty Buckey, i think..yum...oh yes, Chi Tea for dad, too!) Then Joseph took us all on an exciting tour ride in the large golf cart here on camp. Yes, yes...adventures abounded everywhere this last weekend. I can't wait for Libby or Dad to sent me some pictures from their cameras (hint hint ;) so we can post some of the pictures. Well, i should probably go and check the snail mail, to see if we recieved anything. We got a letter and card from the Rashleys' the other day (thank you Anna, Dave, Joshua, Caleb, and baby!) and that was wonderful!! I cried when i read it...we miss you guys!! I know those kids are growing up so fast...i wish we could be around more often. But it was just wonderful to recieve the letter and anniversary wishes. Sigh...alrighty...I am heading out. God is good...all the time!


Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog, thank you so much for keeping the rest of the world up to date on your out of this world adventure. Because that is what Clydehurst is to us, hope it is the same for you guys.
I am so happy that you had a great time with your family. I always wanted to have my family out there. You can talk and talk about Clydehurst but no one will ever know what it is like unless they experience it on their own (even if it is only 1 weekend).
I am so jealous, really jealous. Life has been pretty tough here for us. A really rough summer. But I love hearing that you guys are enjoying it out there. Even if it does hurt a little every time I think of you being there and us being here.
So, I love the comment about the crazy horse because I actually came up with that drink and the name for the drink. So glad to hear that it is still popular.
Hey, if you get a chance, tell Joe to check his e-mail. Michael would like to talk to him.
Also, this is a link to some of our Teton pictures. You should check out facebook. (you can import your blog to facebook so people can read your blog here or on facebook). That is what I do because I have a xanga blog too. But facebook is so much better with pictures and stuff like that. Anyway, check it out if you have time.
Hope to see you soon!!!

Unknown said...

Hey guys!

We got your post card today in the mail. Thank you guys soooo much! It lifted our spirits up pretty high! Summer camp is so much different from OE... so its been trying at times.
We miss you guys lots! Can't wait to see you again! Hope all is well! We've been praying for you guys too!

OH OH!!! JOE- We got our own FTANG board now :) So, we can play anytime!

Bye for now!