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Friday, May 3, 2013

Bright Eyes

I think I actually can see a little twinkle in his eye.

Andrew helps us to see the bright side to life so very often.  He sees and appreciates things we pass by every day.  A train whistle blows far off in the distance, and his face lights up.  A jet streaks across the sky, making no sound but leaving a jet stream, he squeals with delight and points to the sky.  I had no idea just how many bulldozers, loaders, backhoes and dump trucks there are working everywhere around us!  But he doesn't fail to spot 'em and let me know.  His newest love is basketball hoops.  As we travel in the car, he loves to look for them in driveways, and if one is spotted he shouts out, "HOOP!HOOP!".  Quite entertaining!
It seems as if he is speaking new words daily.  Just the other day, he was out on the deck, and saw our neighbor, Pat, beginning to mow her lawn.  He came over to the screen door, leaned inside to find me and said, "Pat, mow!  Pat, mow!".  You got it buddy! He had never said those words before, let alone together.  It was so fun to hear him voice his thoughts and observations!  However simple :)  I can't wait to keep listening for more words to spill out of that cute little mouth of his.  
Last night before bed, I read the story of Ping to him, which I would consider a childhood classic! At least of my childhood.  He loved the book.  Although he was a little concerned when it came to the part where Ping was the last duck on the boat and was given a smack on the back (we have entered the world of spanking these days!) We also read "The Library" by Sarah Stewart and David Small. The main character in the book is named Elizabeth Brown, so I let him know that was Aunt "bibi's" name while growing up!  He thought that was pretty neat. I think he could actually appreciate the character's love of books!
One of my favorite things about being a mother is the time spent reading together.  Especially before bed.  He gets his blanket, and we both snuggle up on his small toddler bed together. My legs stick off the end by 2 feet.  Probably a pretty comical sight.  I usually ask for a kiss, and he willingly leans over to kiss my cheek *sigh*.  We read a few books, and he usually tries to get me to read one or two more even after that.  I am trying to treasure these moments, and look forward to more of the same as Natalie grows.  These kiddos are such special gifts from the Lord.  I pray for wisdom as I teach and train them to love the Lord with all their heart, and love others the same!  

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