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Friday, May 13, 2011


Andrew has begun to grasp everything between his little hands, nowadays, and then promptly brings it to his mouth! He is giggling, cooing, squealing, etc. Especially when we tickle him, or gently toss him into the air. He loves it when we sing "Spring up Oh Well", "Jesus Loves the little children", and when Joe reads the "Three Little Bears". Basically, he loves it anytime we sing or read to him! He smiles with his whole face...his eyes especially. And you just can't help but smile back. My prayer is that he continues to bring joy to people all of his life. Oh yes, another accomplishment is that he has learned to roll over! From his belly to his back. Of course, it doesn't happen on command...only when he wants to. We tried baby cereal last friday...but to no avail. Just not ready yet! He made a funny face and all the cereal just dribbled down his chin :) We will wait a bit, and try again later. He is growing fast and learning things everyday!

1 comment:

Gabe and Libby Reed said...

I love this little guy! Such cute pictures, Kate! Thanks for always updating this's so fun to see pictures. We'll see you for Memorial Day! Can't wait!