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Thursday, September 23, 2010

hair ties and bella bands...

Here I am, about 21 weeks prego!!! This was about a month ago, so today I am currently 25 weeks, unbelievable!! This baby is so active, kicking throughout the day, which is an amazing (yet sometimes uncomfortable!) feeling :) I have been feeling so great, trying to keep as active as I can and eating healthy. I haven't had any wierd cravings yet, so lets hope it stays that way, haha! We are working on the nursery and our registry for all of the baby items we will need! Exciting yet overwhelming at the same time! Lets just say, its only month 6, but I am ready to meet this little babe!

1 comment:

Jen said...

You look amazing, Katie Brown!! I hope that whenever the time comes for me, I can look as beautiful as you! I love you!!! ps. We might see ya'll for Christmas...we haven't made plans yet but I'm hoping we can make it to IN to see the family. :)