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Monday, April 19, 2010

There's a Lonely little Petunia in an Onion Patch...

I haven't actually planted any petunias yet, but I just have fond memories of that song and thought it appropriate for a gardening entry in our blog. :) We used to listen to that song and many more on road trips with Grandpa and Grandma Brown! Well, here are some pictures of a few little gardens I have been attempting to cultivate. The picture above is a small patch around our poplar tree in the front yard (haha, i just thought of it...tulips for the tulip tree!) I put a few hostas and a daylily there, as well as a little coral bell plant. I hope they all grow! Thanks to my mom for the tulip bulbs and my mother-in-law for the other perenials! What a blessing.
Well, this little patch isn't too big, as it took my 1 hour just to dig up the sod and about 3 inches of topsoil (if you want to call it that) :) TONS of rocks in this area, but i think once i start planting more, the topsoil will increase. This is right under our curly willow tree in front. Some day lilies, hosta, bee balm, daisies and a few others i forget at the moment.
This bed was already at the house (1 of 2 places that I could see someone actually tried to landscape). The well pipe isn't used anymore, so Joe hopes to cut it down (me too!). There were two large hostas already here, so I just planted around those, and increased the sized of the bed. Our friend Tyler gave us a small river birch (at right) and he has another for us to plant in the next few weeks! It has been so much fun to try my hand at this. Joe keeps claiming i have my mothers green thumb (well, i think i have a ways to go, but at least i have the passion and joy in it!) Pam gave me the idea to use the sod i was taking out of the beds to put in sparse places around our yard. Great thinking! I have been depositing sod everywhere, as our yard needs some help :) I mowed the whole thing yesterday (with a push mower!) and it was a little rough going in places. I think we need like a roller to come in an smooth out the backyard, at least. haha! But i guess last year the owners didn't mow at all, so that kinda reeks havoc on ones yard and the way the grass grows. Oh well. We will do our best to take care of what the Lord has given us, and see what comes of our hard work. Oh more it crazy when i get really excited over a wheelbarrow? Saturday i went to Menards and bought a no-flat tire steel wheelbarrow that should last us a long time. Who-hooo! Considering before this piece of equipment I was using an old sheet to haul around leaves, sod and sticks, I am quite happy with the new set of wheels, errr, wheel. You don't know how valuable that thing can be until you own your own home!!!!

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