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Thursday, September 24, 2009

First Days of fall...

So far this fall, Joe and I have kept ourselves fairly busy between work, animals, house hunting and fellowshipping with good friends and family! We have truly enjoyed being back at home in Ohio. In fact, as we traveled home last month from the west, as we came to Iowa, we opened the windows of the car and both breathed in deeply. After a sigh, we both agreed that there was nothing like the lush, fragrant smell and feel of the midwest! And now, fall is coming, which is quickly becoming one of our favorite seasons! We hope to attend Heritage Days Festival this weekend, where there will be reenactment setups, horse cart rides, and all the fall festival fixin's I suppose. Exciting!
We began our Outdoor Education Season this past week with a brand new school to our program, Granby Elementary School. From monday-wednesday we hosted the sixth graders and their teachers. Everything went very well and we now have some time to work out the kinks before a few other schools travel our way. Joe has had so much to do around camp, he hasn't had time to visit any other potential schools yet, but plans on doing so in the next month or so. We feel that the Lord continues to bless our program and give us opportunities to praise Him and His amazing creation. One of my highlights of the last week would have been the Aquatic class I had the pleasure of teaching. I took the kids down to Alum creek and for an hour we learned about all of the critters & creatures that live in the creek. The kids loved it! They explored all over in the creek. With nets flying, shoes splashing and minds wondering, those kids picked up so many things! Crawdads were the highlight, and in one class, we collected almost 20! Of course, at the end we released them all :) *sigh* I love teaching these kids, and watching them discover the world around them.
The pictures above are of our new kitty, who still does not have a name for certain :) But she is growing bigger by the day! Lately, I think she has taken to thinking that Molly is her "mom". !!! How funny to see them interact; Molly will just lay there at let the kitty play with her nose, ears and feet. Cute! Well, I will continue to try and capture some more of our moments on camera and share them as we have time!

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