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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Miss Sunshine

Here is Natalie at 2 months old!  She is truly a joy, and loves to coo and smile at us!  She is beginning to really take an interest in Andrew and the things he is doing around her.  Not to mention, he likes to try and put toy tractors in her hands, saying "Nonnie!"  in a high, sweet voice.  Too cute.  

Haha, this spit-up image just cracked me up, and was a bit startling in the midst of taking the pictures.  I wasn't expecting it!  Alas, the adventures of photographing a little one :)  Spit up is just a part of life.  Why not take a pic?

I was using my new 50 mm portrait lens, and still have some learning to do as far as how to capture the best images, keep them in focus (at least on the right point) get good lighting, and time it all just right!  But this picture was one of my favorite (out of many outtakes!), and I even got to try out my new editing system just a bit.  
Natalie you are growing so fast.  Even though I can't wait to see you continue to develop into the amazing little girl God has made you to be, I am still trying to treasure these days when you still fit into my arms.  These days when you are completely fascinated and captured by our faces and voices.  Your small voice that makes the most wonderful sounds as you try and talk back to us.  I know you will have so many things to say about the world around you!  We love you, dear little one.